Huaaaa...!!! ga kerasa Perfect vacation selama seminggu uda selesai T_T
Bener2 perfect vacation yang menyenangkan! hontouni ureshikatta desu ^^ Pokoknya seru abiz dech! Gw mo ngucapin terima kasih yg sebanyak2nya bwt :
1. Rahardian "simbah" adhi & kel. : mbaaahhh....thanks buanget yak, salam buat om ma tante, maap klo kt2 ngerepotin,he2 jg kapok ya mbah..salam jg bwt pak ndut ma pak ochi, makasi uda mo nganterin kt keliling2 jakarta,bandung,cirebon...., matur nuwun pak...
2. Fahed agil Al munnawar : Faheeeddddd!!!! sekali lagi thank buanget..nget...sori byk ngerepotin...salam bwt yg punya hotel ya hed...makasiii byk...!!!
3. Pak Iswandi : Pak is...saya mo ngucapin terima kasih yg sebanyak2nya uda byk membantu perfect vacation kami...makasii pak bwt wismanya yg baguuss buanget..
4. Agus : fotografer kt selama perfect vacation..seminggu kerja truus..,he2 jadinya berapa foto gus...buanyak yak...maklum kt2 pada gila foto smua ^^ thanks bgt ya gus bwt kerja kerasnya..
5. Makasiii buanyyaaaakkkk bwt :
*Raras : soulmatequ,he2...yg punya hobi belanja ma gw, seleranya pun sama ^^
*Jeng Nila : Nilaaa....yg asik bwt ngerumpi bareng,he2..
*Maylitha : May..klo da jln2 lagi ikut yak...seru kan perfect vacationnya..
*Ayu : Ayuu....thanks yah da mo ikut ma kt...gmn asik ga perfect vacationnya?
*Nunu' "pak ketyu" : nunu' yg super jaiiilllll!!!! sukanya ngajakin perang...gmn nu' da ngerasain naik lift kan....^_^ v
*Iman : kerasa ni liburan da mo selesai,bentar lagi kul... :( msh pengen maen. man.. kpn mo maen nitendi Wii?
*M.H.Iswahyudi : Yud...thanks buanget yk bwt perfect vacationnya...sebagai promotor perfect vacation dg best effort-nya...thanks buanget pakde
Guys..thank u so much!!! moga2 kt2 yg di bilingual bisa sekelas lagi yaakkk....amin...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
FA wa muzukashi desu.. T_T
FA no shiken wa hontouni muzukashi desu....... T_T...Watashi wa zenzen wakarimasen :(
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Final Exam....
Bentar lagi ujian pra MM selesai nihh...Yosh!! Ganbare!! but... hiks..hiks...sedih juga klo harus berpisah ma temen2.....Yo...minna-san mo ganbatte kudasai ne..
Crimson Butterfly
"Crimson Butterfly" adalah judul dari salah satu game PS2 bergenre Horor Jepang, Fatal Frame II Crimson Butterfly. Grafis dari game ini keren bgt!! Gamenya juga Serem abis >_<' ...Hantu dimana-mana, muncul & datang tiba2 pula,bikin sport jantung de, tepi seruuu!!! 

Friday, April 4, 2008
Japanese Street Fashion
Jepang memang negara yang bebas berekspresi. Terbukti dengan fashion mereka yg beraneka ragam. Make baju yg aneh2, unik2 adalah hal yang biasa di Jepang. Dengan keanehan dan keunikan fashion Jepang justru menarik perhatian banyak orang, dan ada pula negara2 lain yg mengikuti tren fashion Jepang. Biasanya di district akihabara sering kita liat anak2 muda memakai kostum Gothic-Lolita atau baju eropa jaman dahulu. Selain itu ada pula yg disebut harajuku style, model2 baju yg dipake warnanya saling tabrak sana sini, ditambah aksesoris yg bejibun byknya, tapi disitulah letak keunikannya. Nah klo mo tau lebih byk tentang Japanese street fashion, berikut infonya :
Japan began to emulate Western fashion during the middle of the 19th century. By the beginning of the 21st century it had altered into what is known today as 'Street Fashion.'
The term 'Street Fashion' is used to describe fashion where the wearer personally customizes the outfits by adopting a mixture of current and traditional trends. Such clothes are generally home-made with the use of material bought from the stores.
At present there are many styles of dresses in Japan, created from a mix of both local and foreign labels. Some of these styles are extreme and avant-garde, similar to the haute couture seen on European catwalks. The rise and fall of many of these trends has been chronicled by Shoichi Aoki since 1997 in the fashion magazine FRUiTS, which is a notable magazine for the promotion of street fashion in Japan.
Modern Japanese fashion
Supposedly, street fashion has become the most popular trend in Japan today. Great deals of young Japanese wear the outlandish clothes in large urban fashion districts such as Harajuku, Ginza, Odaiba, Shinjuku and Shibuya.
The Lolita styles have many different "subcultures", such as: Punk Lolita, Gothic L
olita, Sweet Lolita, etc. They are always expressed as "GothLoli", "SweetLoli", "PunkLoli".
Gothic Lolita styles focus more on Edwardian pieces and darker colors. Big brooches, bonnets, and umbrellas are popular accessories. A popular style now is "Alice in Wonderland", with skirts, tops, accessories, bags all with playing cards on them.
Punk Lolita styles have a lot of plaid in the clothing. Chains, pearls, big bows patterned with plaid , lace, and lots of wristbands are popular accessories. The biggest model of PunkLoli fashions is Nana Kitade, a very popular singer/songwriter.
Sweet Lolita styles are inspired by baby doll clothing. A lot of pinks and whites and blues are used. Bows, lace collars, and stuffed animals are common accessories. Aprons are worn over dresses as to give the appearance as if someone had been baking. Hello Kitty is very popular with SweetLolis.
The Kogal subculture is characterized by young women, who display their disposable incomes through tastes in fashion, music and other forms of social activity. Most Ko-gals are in their last years of high school, or the beginning years of college.
The Ganguro subculture peaked popularity in the year 2000. The looks of Ganguro fas
hion consists of bleached hair, a deep or extremely pale tan, fake eyelashes, platform shoes and brightly coloured make-up and outfits. They wear mini-skirts, platform boots and ample amounts of bracelets, rings and necklaces. The Ganguro girls are usually accompanied by a small group and it is typical of a "Ganguro Gal" to show-off her cell phone covered with purikura, pictures from photo booths. [1].
The stereotypical bōsōzoku look is often portrayed, and even caricatured, in many forms of Japanese media such as anime, manga and films. The typical bōsōz
oku member is often depicted in a uniform consisting of a jumpsuit like those worn by manual laborers or a tokko-fuku (特攻服), a type of military issued over-coat with kanji slogans usually worn open with no shirt underneath showing off their bandaged torsos and matching baggy pants tucked inside tall boots. Leather jackets, often embroidered with club/gang logos, and even full leather suits, are also seen as common elements of the bōsōzoku look. Items in the bōsōzoku attire consist of sunglasses, usually round or wrap-around, long hachimaki headbands, also with battle slogans, and a pompadour hairstyle, most likely akin to the greaser/rocker look, or perhaps because of the hairstyle's association with yakuza thugs. The punch perm is considered a common bōsōzoku hairstyle as well.
Elegant Gothic Aristocrat/Lolita
The style of Elegant Gothic Aristocrat/Lolita is based on the concept of androgyny and often has identical outfits for both men and women. The typical colors of the clothes are black, white and other dark colors, but sometimes you will see light blue or light pink with black detailing. The main image is founded on elegance and simplicity where the clothing lines are usually simple and tight, with pants or long skirts that stand in contrast to the Lolita style. Dark, heavy makeup may be worn by both sexes!
Japan began to emulate Western fashion during the middle of the 19th century. By the beginning of the 21st century it had altered into what is known today as 'Street Fashion.'
The term 'Street Fashion' is used to describe fashion where the wearer personally customizes the outfits by adopting a mixture of current and traditional trends. Such clothes are generally home-made with the use of material bought from the stores.
At present there are many styles of dresses in Japan, created from a mix of both local and foreign labels. Some of these styles are extreme and avant-garde, similar to the haute couture seen on European catwalks. The rise and fall of many of these trends has been chronicled by Shoichi Aoki since 1997 in the fashion magazine FRUiTS, which is a notable magazine for the promotion of street fashion in Japan.
Modern Japanese fashion
Supposedly, street fashion has become the most popular trend in Japan today. Great deals of young Japanese wear the outlandish clothes in large urban fashion districts such as Harajuku, Ginza, Odaiba, Shinjuku and Shibuya.
The Lolita styles have many different "subcultures", such as: Punk Lolita, Gothic L

Gothic Lolita styles focus more on Edwardian pieces and darker colors. Big brooches, bonnets, and umbrellas are popular accessories. A popular style now is "Alice in Wonderland", with skirts, tops, accessories, bags all with playing cards on them.
Punk Lolita styles have a lot of plaid in the clothing. Chains, pearls, big bows patterned with plaid , lace, and lots of wristbands are popular accessories. The biggest model of PunkLoli fashions is Nana Kitade, a very popular singer/songwriter.
Sweet Lolita styles are inspired by baby doll clothing. A lot of pinks and whites and blues are used. Bows, lace collars, and stuffed animals are common accessories. Aprons are worn over dresses as to give the appearance as if someone had been baking. Hello Kitty is very popular with SweetLolis.

The Kogal subculture is characterized by young women, who display their disposable incomes through tastes in fashion, music and other forms of social activity. Most Ko-gals are in their last years of high school, or the beginning years of college.
The Ganguro subculture peaked popularity in the year 2000. The looks of Ganguro fas

The stereotypical bōsōzoku look is often portrayed, and even caricatured, in many forms of Japanese media such as anime, manga and films. The typical bōsōz

Elegant Gothic Aristocrat/Lolita

The style of Elegant Gothic Aristocrat/Lolita is based on the concept of androgyny and often has identical outfits for both men and women. The typical colors of the clothes are black, white and other dark colors, but sometimes you will see light blue or light pink with black detailing. The main image is founded on elegance and simplicity where the clothing lines are usually simple and tight, with pants or long skirts that stand in contrast to the Lolita style. Dark, heavy makeup may be worn by both sexes!
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